Packing the Perfect Bug Out Bag

Having a bugout bag is essential for any prepper. Of course most people want to be able to bunker in and remain with their property, but sometimes that just isnt possible. In the event that things get too dangerous to remain where you are, you will need to be prepared to evacuate, and ensure that […]

What is SHTF?

The acronym SHTF stands for Stuff (or whatever other S word you’d like to use instead) Hit The Fan. In the preparedness and survivalist communities it refers to a catastrophic failure in life support systems like electricity, water treatment, the ability of stores to have their stocks replenished, etc. commonly referred to as “The Grid.” […]

Leaving No Trace When Camping

When camping, it is very important to preserve the environment you are in. Most people think that this means simply picking up your trash and extinguishing your campfire, but there are many more things you can do to minimise your impact on nature. Before you begin your trip, be sure to plan ahead and prepare. […]

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